
Tayler Sawchuk

Who am i?

My name is Tayler and I am here to spread LIGHT! △
I teach yoga and fitness classes to empower others to connect with their body, their mind and their soul. To awaken and become more conscious. To be the best versions of themselves.

My Journey 

Exercise, health and wellness have always been important to me. In 2015, I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Kinetics at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Through my degree, I completed my personal training certification with CSEP (Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology) and began working in the fitness industry. Craving more stillness, I journeyed deeper into yoga and meditation and there, my heart found its next calling.  

In January 2019, I travelled to Sri Lanka to complete my first 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Mathieu Boldron, Annie Au and Dr. Ganesh Rao through Exhale Yoga. It was one of the most empowering experiences I have been through. The training made it even more clear that yoga helps me to stay present and grounded, yet to push past limiting beliefs and live with an open heart. 

Yoga and meditation have helped me get through some of the most difficult times of my life. Within less than two months, I lost two of my closest friends. Two souls taken too soon from this planet. With healing through yoga - the universe gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it most. A challenge, but an onward journey to find light through darkness, love through loss and gratitude through despair. I continue to learn and expand my knowledge, my light each day. I completed my Reiki Level 1+2 trainings to help heal my energy, and offer that out as well.

During the difficult years of 2020, 2021 when the world challenged us in numerous ways, I went back to school for massage therapy. I now work full time as a Registered Massage Therapist and love what I do. In the clinic, my goal is to provide patient centred care by listening to my clients, meeting them where they are at and offering therapeutic massage to help them relieve pain. I aim to empower my patients to take care of their overall health and wellness, including for mind body and soul.

So, what is LIGHT? 


Light, to me, is all the expansive, high vibrational energy on the planet. Light is energy full of love. That feeling of a happy heart and being true to the callings of your soul. Light energy is unlimited when we are open to tuning in to it. There is nothing I am more grateful for than feeling that light after being through darkness. I want to spread and share that light to as many people as I can. 

What else lights me up?

I LOVE coffee, crystals, plants and my dog. I listen to hip hop music, my spirit animal is a lion, my sun sign is aries and my moon sign is leo. I love travelling the world to learn new cultures, explore new streets, to eat authentic food or to simply relax on the beach. So far, my heart has been happiest in Bali, Nepal and Thailand. I also love my hometown Kelowna and can often be found tasting wine around our beautiful Okanagan Valley.

If you are reading this, I am so grateful you are here and hope our paths soon cross. 

namaste ॐ