

“I felt so much stronger after just a few short weeks”

“Your online classes really helped get me back on the workout train! I loved how they were 30 mins only and they seemed to go by way quicker than that. I’m not the kind of person who enjoys working out around others, so being able to do them from home was perfect. I loved all the different modifications you provided—I still felt like I could do all the moves, even as someone who’s more of a beginner at working out. When I was ready though it was great being able to do some of the more challenging exercises. I felt so much stronger after just a few short weeks of your classes. I find you to be a really motivating and positive instructor, which makes it a lot easier to want to complete the workouts. So thank you for providing such fantastic content!”


“You will leave the studio feeling excited about whatever is coming next in your day after taking one of Tayler's classes. She really keeps you motivated throughout with some of the best music, and continually gives you knowledge throughout to move in ways to help you gain more strength in such a subtle way. She demonstrates every move to make sure you are in alignment and properly positioned in her fitness and yoga classes. When Tayler left for her training in Sri Lanka, I was literally counting the days until she got back. As a fitness teacher she helped me gain so much understanding or where to place my body doing physical movements, but her yoga classes I personally have to say come directly from her heart and you know from hearing her voice and the way she moves she has found her calling and is completely in her element to guide others with light & love.

I am forever grateful to have Tayler in my life as she has reflected a major role in my yoga journey and has inspired me to take my journey one step further.

Thank You Thank You Thank You”
Natasha L


Tayler has great energy and light

“Tayler’s yoga and fitness classes are well thought out with lots of options and variety. Her fitness classes have helped me get in as the best physical shape I have been in over 30 years. Yoga has helped me heal and become the best version of me. THANK YOU! After yoga classes, I feel connected and grounded. After fitness classes, I always feel pushed and motivated. Tayler is a very thoughtful instructor. She always has lots of options for beginners and advanced participants in her classes - for both fitness and yoga. Tayler has a great energy and light.”
- Chad B

“Over two years ago, I met Tayler Sawchuk, a yoga and fitness instructor in West Kelowna. Tay is a ray of sunshine, inside, and outside of class; always on time, happy, and kind. Her classes, yoga and fitness, are motivating, challenging and rewarding. Tayler includes ‘a little bit of everything’ letting you meet your goals, and not get bored with training. The passion Tayler shows for her practice is second to none, and I highly recommend anyone looking into getting into fitness and/or yoga to check one of her classes out!”
- Taija C